Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Happy Little Tree

There once was a happy little tree. It lived in the middle of the forest, surrounded by other happy little trees. But this happy little tree couldn’t join in the happiness of the other happy little trees. This happy little tree was a secret. Its Creator had decreed that no one could know about this happy little tree. The other happy little trees saw it, but they couldn’t acknowledge its existence due to the proclamation from their Creator. The Creator’s name was Bob Ross, and, although he seemed nice, he was actually a vindictive megalomaniac. The happy little tree lived in isolation. Even though it was surrounded by other happy little trees, it could not communicate with them and they could not communicate with it. Not only that, but it couldn’t even express its grief, for Bob Ross had also decreed that it should remain forever a happy little tree and never show its profound sadness. So the happy little tree put a brave face on its misery and despair and eventually died of Dutch elm disease.


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